Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Aerial Advertising: Creative Advertising

Aerial Advertising: Most Creative Way to Advertise

From a business standpoint, sending out a tweet, updating a Facebook post, or airing a TV commercial seems to be the expected form of advertising these days. With a few clicks of a computer mouse, the clickety-clack of some keys on a keyboard, or an hour or two in front of a green screen with a camera, an advertisement is ready to be released to the public.

Despite the fact that these methods are easy, there are more creative tried and true methods to be used. A classic is
airplane advertising. In fact, airplane banner advertising is — dare it be said — quite a bit more noticeable and definitely more daring than a Twitter post, Facebook update, or TV commercial. Plus, with an airplane banner advertising company in almost every major city, this creative method is just as doable as any other advertising method!

Airplane advertising in the 21st century gets a lot more creative than just placing an ad in the Sky Mall magazine. Airplane banners feed off the natural instinct people have of looking up when they hear a plane. By towing an aerial banner after a plane, people's attention is aimed upwards at least a few seconds longer.

Aerial messages, airplane messages, aerial billboards, airplane advertising banners, sky writing, and banner towing all fall under the lingo blanket of aerial marketing. Options from simple black and white airplane banners to sky writing "Surrender Dorothy" (any Wizard of Oz fans out there?) are possible.

Aerial banners (also known as banner towing, airplane banner ads, airplane advertising banners, sky banner advertising) are simply giant letters strung together to create a phrase or sentence. Because the banners are basic, they're easy to change and somewhat easy on the wallet. Examples include "WAL-MART SUPERCENTER NOW OPEN" in red lettering with no background.

Aerial logos are a plane towing along a banner with a business logo on it. Examples include a Subway logo on a white background.

Aerial billboards are basically banner-versions of something you'd see on a billboard. For example, a Bud light aerial billboard might say "Ain't Life a Beach?" with a picture of a Bud light.

Sky writing is exactly what it seems — an airplane writing a word or phrase in the sky. The planes emit a special smoke with either a full-stroke method or a dot method. The dot method tends to last a bit longer than the full-stroke method, but both only last a few minutes due to wind.

For businesses,
aerial advertising works in a general setting — just sending out an aerial banner to fly over a city or town works. Another option is to use aerial banners where large groups of people might be gathered (sporting events, concerts, festivals). Aerial advertising is able to target geographically, economically or specific sites and both daytime and nighttime options are available.

Examples of companies and businesses that have successfully used
aerial messages include Geico, Burger King, McDonald's, Ford, Tide, and Scion.

Airplane advertising and airplane banner towing doesn't stop with businesses. Personal airplane banner ads and personal aerial messages are available as well. Marriage proposals, birthday announcements, and graduation celebrations are only the some of the reasons people might purchase personal airplane banner ads.

Perks of
aerial banners include limited competition. A business's advertisement won't be lost among hundreds of other commercials or magazine pages. With aerial marketing, the big blue sky is the backdrop and that's about it.

airplane banner advertising company can be found in most major cities across the United States. A simple Google search will produce the best results and necessary information for local airplane messages.

Sky banner advertising makes people look up, and it's always better to look up. Contact Aerial Messages today and learn how easy and affordable aerial marketing is by visiting  today or calling 866-608-6285.


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